Thursday, December 3, 2009


Oh, I'm so excited about this new kit! I hand-drew everything (very inspired by old vintage illustrations for the people, and from photos for the rest), and it's got so many cute little elements! Perfect for all your sickie - ouchie - woopsie layouts! It's in the shop now at Pixel Canvas.

Kit contains:

-9 unique patterned & plain textured papers
-5 frames
-1 gauze bandage border
-3 flair buttons
-1 undecorated visitor's badge & 1 B is for Bravery badge
-1 stethoscope, 1 pills bottle, 1 little injectable medicine bottle, 1 syringe, 1 bandaid, 1 thermometer, 1 set of crutches, 1 lab coat with stethoscope, & 1 tube of ointment illustrations
-1 teddy bear, 1 red cross & 1 set of tears illustrations
-1 birdie with a broken wing, 1 child in bed, 1 crying baby, 1 crying girl, 2 doctors, and 1 nurse illustrations
-3 wordart pieces
-1 page of dates (interchangeable)
-1 "admitted" stamp

And check out the more-than-cool layouts CT members have made:

By justjen:

By justk:


By zwyck:

By Erica67:

Oh, and btw, I'm going to be selling exclusively at Pixel Canvas from now on. It's just easier that way--and I'm excited to be part of Vinnie's growing site!


If you want an answer directly, please provide your e-mail, as I'm unable to access it... =) Thanks!