Lots of fun layouts with this!
By Tronesia (with No Regrets):
By Ana Paula:

By Tanya:
By Vera (with Funky Doodles):
and with Cozy Warm Christmas:
And by Romy:
It's 20% off through Sunday. Happy New Year, everybody! 2011 is the year where I'm going to focus on enjoying myself. I know that sounds sybaritic, but I think that if I do, I'll be able to spread more of that joy myself, to others. And there have been several "bops on the head" recently that have reminded me to not take people or things for granted--and if I don't enjoy them now, I might never get to! What would you like to focus on this year? Whatever it is, I hope you have a happy, love-filled, successful and healthy 2011!