Friday, March 25, 2011

Petite Bergère in the shop (and winner!)

So here is the Petite Bergère (Little Shepherdess) kit revealed:






It's a little vintage-y, a lot romantic, and very very versatile! Here are some ways the CT have played with it:

By Ulla-May:

By Lisa:

By Vera:

By Nicole:

By Sonia:

By Corinna:

And finally, by Krisztina:

So please go snag it in the shop this weekend, while it's still 20% off!!

Oh, I'm missing something, you say? Something about a giveaway??


There were 5 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
  1. Anne of Alamo
  2. Lime
  3. Katja (DoggiNo)
  4. Rebecca
  5. Dady
Send me e-mail to get the links, Anne, congratulations!! And thank you everybody for playing and giving me some new earworms... ;)


  1. Yay!!! Congratulations, Anne!!!

    Heather - this is GORGEOUS!!!! I love it!!

  2. woooooooooooooootie woo! well, look it there, is my name all big and red!
    thank you so much!!


If you want an answer directly, please provide your e-mail, as I'm unable to access it... =) Thanks!