Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Essence of You Memory Mix Packs!

I have a beautiful new "kit" made up of 4 packs - 2 paper packs, an element pack, and a template pack. It's part of our Memory Mix Collection, so each pack is only $2.00 (for 1 week only). Mix and match as you like! It's called The Essence of You.

And the CT crew (2 of whom are new--welcome Laura, and Danica--and also my new promo whiz, Doralisa) have made some lovely pages:

By Laura:

By Danica:

By Astrid:

By Karen:

And by Linda:

I just dropped off my Mom at the airport in the big city, so I'm rather sad; but I hope to get lots of work done this weekend! Oh, nevermind, it's my 10-year old's 11th birthday. *laugh* Lots of work there, but not the same kind! I hope you guys all have a great weekend yourselves.


If you want an answer directly, please provide your e-mail, as I'm unable to access it... =) Thanks!