Thursday, October 8, 2009

Masks & Messy Stitches

Ooh! I'm so excited to offer you a cool collection of masks, as well as a huge pack (over 50 items!) of stitches, all at Pixel Canvas. Here's what they look like:

Masked 1

Heather T., Masked 1

10 mostly large masks for you to play around with. I like to clip papers to mine and add subtle changes to the background of a page, but you can also clip photos, or even a collage of photos or text. Whatever you do with them, you're sure to have fun and make really pretty pages!

Stitched 3

Heather T., Stitched 3

This third package of stitching is all about MESS! Well, ok, almost all--there is one pretty swirl in there. This time, you get three files for almost all the different stitches: one light set, one dark set, and one dark set with holes. Altogether, 55 different stitches! You also get a set of instructions for easy recoloring--a mini-tutorial is included to help you get the most out of your stitches. Paper is not included.

And here are some layouts with the new stuff:

Of Rose & Lavender & Dark (click on images for full credits):

Heather Taylor, Of Rose And Lavender And Dark


Heather Taylor, Oregon

First Boots (Maygirl):

Maygirl, First Boots

Dans l'eau (Timounette):

Timounette, Friday lift 10.09

Windmills (Erica67):

Erica67, Windmills

Glorious Mud (mumtognt):

Mum2gnt, Glorious Mud

And heck, there are SO MANY beautiful layouts with these two packs in the gallery, do go see!

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