Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A New Discovery: Sketches

So, somebody over on a site that shall remain nameless (by request, however!) let me work with a sketch of theirs today--something I'd never done before. I had two reactions about it: 1) It's fast! You can whip out a layout in no time by ctrl-alt-g'ing many of the layers, and substituting a few things here and there, etc. 2) It's more stultifying than I might have imagined (being from Switzerland and all, if there are lines on the paper, I stay inside them!), so that I find that some of my creativity just falls with a thunk and stays passed out for the rest of the exercise. I imagine these are much like what you might follow for a card (I think they're called card maps or something). I'd love to read some comments on how you use sketches or maps!

HOWEVER, I was working with another of those darn brown/red/pink combos. I am so heartily sick of those colors!! So I made a fresh and breezy ocean layout:

Heather Taylor, We Live Here

I think I'll just stick with this kind for a while. Plus, I got some fabulous shots of Allen!

Oh, and I wanted to share with you my latest discovery: taking pictures at the grocery store! It all started because there was a rare sun day yesterday, and there were these gorgeous tulips in front of the store, so I grabbed my camera and got a couple of shots of those. I was putting it away when we walked in, but they continued the Valentine's floral display, and I just kept on shooting and shooting, through the floral department, into the fruits and vegetables... hehehehe. It was great! I got some wonderful flower shots, and of stuff that would never grow in a million years in my back yard... Whee! So, take your camera and see what you can nab with it during your next shopping expedition!

1 comment:

  1. I find sketches hard. I like the idea of digital templates, but haven't really used them yet.


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