Friday, June 6, 2008

A New Camera (Oh, and Jamesie, Too!)

Ok you guys, I'm in 7th heaven... I just got a VERY advance birthday present from my ILs: a new camera! It's still a point and shoot (Casio Exilim Z1050), BUT it shoots in 10.1 megapixels, unlike the 3.1 on my old camera!! It also gives me all the readouts on Fstops and exposure and all this other stuff that I know nothing about, so perhaps I'll learn by osmosis. It's funny, but I've stayed away from photography most of my life because my eyes start crossing when I try and learn what the numbers mean. But here, I am sooooooooo in heaven... =) Looky looky! Ok, I still have to scrap in 8x8 to get this kind of good close-up, but wowwowowowowow! So fun! Fonts: Felix Titling and Garamond.

Heather Taylor, A New Camera (Oh, and Jamesie, too!)


  1. Niiiiice! I've been having camera problems =(

  2. Jamesie is adorable! :) Congrats on the new camera! I recently got a new 10mp P&S as well. Cost & size - I knew I'd get more use out of it than an SLR (not that I don't still want one LOL). Have fun learning your new camera features!


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