Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March Contest @ GDWI: I Spy With My GDW-Eye

I know, I know, bad pun... but fun! (And I totally had fun drawing the logo, too)

HeatherT, I Spy with my GDW-Eye

Here's the scoop:

Every Wednesday (US Pacific time) I'll post a set of clues to something on the GDWI site. It could be in the gallery, or the forum, or the shop--and it will be about something that's happened within the last 7 days from that Wednesday.

The prize? The first person to PM me (has to be PM, don't give the answer away in the thread!) gets 3 digibits, the 2nd, 2 digibits, and the 3rd, 1 digibit. If nobody has found the item by Thursday, I'll give a second set of clues, but the digibit count decreases by 1. If possible, I'll try to include the GDW-EYE logo at top on the page somehow. At the end of March, I'll give away some shop freebies, too, to the three highest digibit earners! (When you’ve accumulated 50 DigiBits, you will receive a $5.00 Gift Certificate to the Get Digi With It store!)

So, get your brain motors rolling and come play with us.... Click here to read the first clue!!

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If you want an answer directly, please provide your e-mail, as I'm unable to access it... =) Thanks!