Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Quick Little Layout

I finally changed the blog width to accommodate the 600 px size layout, so no more clicking to see the larger size, I hope!

Here's a quick layout with the Route 101 kit:

Heather T., Trying To Be Spring

The sun came out briefly the other week, and Allen was deluded into thinking it was warm. That didn't last long. ;)

Credits: Everything from the Route 101 collab kit from ViVa Artistries and Heather T. at Get Digi With It. Fonts: Blackadder and Franklin Gothic Book. Journaling reads: "Here be feetsies. Harrrr."


  1. Très belle page, et la dimension de l'image est parfaite. Je cours acheter ce magnifique kit vraiment je l'adore et pour moi qui habite sur une île je pense y trouver plein de trésors.

  2. It goes without saying that I love the layout, because I always do.

    But I totally love that short, concise and perfect journaling.

  3. Beautiful art Heather! Love the colours.

  4. Beautiful! Love the little crab and starfish in the corner, adding that little extra pop of color -- perfect!


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